Jan 24Liked by Leah Koenig

I’m eager to make these! Can you estimate the volume/weight of chicken breast? How do you feel about using thigh meat?

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Any medium chicken breast should work - 6oz range? If you do chicken thighs, I’d do two.

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Jan 24Liked by Leah Koenig

1- definitely going to make these. 2- I’ve been listening to The Sandcatchers new album and it’s SO GOOD.

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1. Yay! Let me know how they turn out. 2. Awesome - so glad you're enjoying. So beautiful, right?

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I’m grateful for the mashup of American and Sephardic foods in this pastry! My chicken pot pie-loving family will be very happy! The mix of music and food of you and Yoshie also seems beshert.🤗

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Oh, I hope they love it! And yes, I'm so grateful for the food/music connections in our family. :)

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