Dec 21, 2022Liked by Leah Koenig

I’m so sorry that you experienced the profound loss of smell! Your recipe comes at the right moment, I need to take “something sweet” to a Boxing Day brunch - an antidote to bagels, lox, etc. This banana bread will be perfect! A continued wish for health & happiness during Chanukah!

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Thanks Jessica! And glad to hear the banana bread came at the right time :)

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Leah, oh my! I am so with you. Losing smell scared the heck out of me when I had Covid. I love this post and your ability to pivot and write so beautifully in the face of fear. Heal well. ❤️

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Thank you, Anne. And oh no - I didn't know you lost your sense of smell too, Anne! How long did it take to come back - and how did you deal with the anxiety and uncertainty?

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I didn’t lose it. Sorry to be unclear. The thought of it scared me and I found myself sniffing everything in my pantry, the coffee and spices, to make sure.

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Gotcha! I'm glad you were okay. And yes, pantry sniffing is perhaps one of the weirdest aspects of Covid imaginable, lol :)

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Leah Koenig

Oh Leah! My heart hurts for you - you convey your fear so well. As much as I love this newsletter, I hope you can take a little time to heal and to be with your family (not that little kids lend to a relaxed state, but you know what I mean.)

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Oh, thanks Leslie! Honestly, writing the newsletter is healing for me. :) But I will be taking off next week for the holidays. :)

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Leah Koenig

Oy, I’d be freaking out too!! Glad this has an happy ending.

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Thank you Nancy!

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I hope your sense taste/smell comes back fully ASAP! I know what you mean about not getting that satisfaction of eating when you can’t taste. I lose my sense of taste and smell every time I get a cold (its not Covid related) and I am still recovering now after almost three weeks of not tasting or smelling - I was hoping it would be back in time for Christmas, but now I’m not sure. It’s weird to eat something strong tasting like gingerbread and not really taste it properly! Thanks for a wonderful year of newsletters, I am looking forward to 2023 with The Jewish Table! Happy Hanukkah!

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